Asset Valuation: Acquisition Due Diligence and Improvements Analysis
DAI consultants were engaged to conduct bid due diligence of four Petrobras Refineries for one client.
Area of Expertise:
Project Example
Acquisition Due Diligence and Improvements Analysis
DAI conducted technical and economic due diligence visiting each of the four refineries.
DAI provided retrospective and projected prices specific to each refinery crude and product.
SMARTREF was customised to match the existing operation of each refinery and then simulate improvement opportunities identified for each target refinery.
DAI delivered cash flow models considering retrospective and projected prices with and without identified improvements.
DAI’s SMARTREF refinery simulation tool is used to effectively evaluate the charges and yields, operation, and improvements in a timely manner.

Offers were made on target refineries.
Petrobras postponed the sale of the four refineries evaluated.
DAI continues to assist client on this and other opportunities.