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Project Management: Refinery Crude Unit

HES International engaged DAI to audit its project to convert a vacuum tower to a crude distillation unit in Wilhelmshaven, Germany.

Area of Expertise:


Project Example

Project Management Consultant


The DAI team provided the necessary structure, skills, organization, and controls to successfully complete the construction and start-up of the project.

  • Mr. David Pullan of DAI was seconded to HES Wilhelmshaven as the interim terminal manager and then served as the Project Manager.

  • Mr. Casey Hines of DAI served as Project Scheduler.

  • Mr. Alain De Plaen of DAI served as the Engineering Manager followed by Kip Shore. Three additional consultants assisted in the engineering designs.

  • Mr. Ashley McNeal served as Construction Manager over both ISBL and OSBL construction. Two additional consultants managed the ISBL construction and OSBL construction.

  • Ms. Jana Verberg of DAI served as Project Coordinator.

  • Mr. Bud Bell of DAI served as Operations and Start-up expert.


The refinery successfully started operations in May of 2020. In its start-up announcement, HES complimented its team for the successful completion and start-up.

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