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Technical: PIMS LP Model Calibration, Improvements, and Training

Ecopetrol sought to improve its PIMS-based linear program (LP) models for conducting its refining and petrochemicals short- and long-range planning activities.

Area of Expertise:


Project Example

Economic Modelling / Optimisation – Ecopetrol

  • DAI consultants were contracted to deliver the models while working for Nexidea, Inc.

  • The services were performed from June 2012 to April 2013 for a value of USD 1,326,841.

Objective – Integrated PIMS Model

Develop an integrated LP model (PIMS) for conducting refining and petrochemicals short- and long-range planning activities.

  • The consultants worked as a team with client personnel to build five weight-based LP models which

    • tracked the speciation of naphtha and lighter components in the feeds and process correlations

    • included documented yield and property correlations derived from SmartRef process unit models including benchmarking of existing process operations.

  • The project team provided two, one-week training courses to 20 personnel toward the on-going development and use of the models along with certifications.

  • The project team and client also identified earnings improvement opportunities of >USD 40 million / year


The team received a perfect performance score (100 points / 100 points) for the project.

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